Valentine's Day Crush or Cutie

Valentine's Day Crush or Cutie
Posted on 01/24/2022
WMS LogoDecorated Can of Orange Crush Soda OR Decorated Cutie Orange can be delivered to any student/ staff in the Washington Community School District and St. James for only $1.50.

Paper orders are DUE: Feb. 7th at your buildings Main office by 3:45pm. Online Orders are found at: (Builders Club will fill out the form for delivery) Online orders are DUE Feb. 7th at 6pm.

Please fill out one form per order. Cost is $1.50. Money will need to be paid to the office or a Builders Club member or Advisor (Ms. Almelien or Mr. Mayer), or VENMO @kiwanisamers (for online orders only). Orders will be delivered Feb. 14th!