Kids In the Kitchen Explores Fruits

Kids in the Kitchen Explores Fruits
Posted on 02/21/2020
Students Trying PapayaKids in the Kitchen is an after school 4-H Clover Kid club teaching members to have kitchen sense and safety while they learn about the major food groups and making healthy choices for their growing bodies. This club meets every Thursday after school at Stewart Elementary during January and February.

February 20 Kids in the Kitchen focused on the fruit food group. They were able to collectively list 31 fruits. They learned if a food has a seed, it is classified as a fruit. During the taste test they were able to try dried fruits, fresh fruits and fruit juice. Youth reviewed safe cutting, cut a variety of fruits and made fruit kabobs for their snack.

Washington County Extension and Washington County Hospitals and Clinics are partnering together to bring this club to 23 Stewart Elementary 2nd grade students. The Kids in the Kitchen curriculum is a product of Iowa 4-H.

The Washington County Extension Office hopes to expand this club in future years, please contact them if interested in sponsoring or volunteering or with any questions about this Healthy Living Club or how to get involved with other youth activities as a member or volunteer.

Students Eating Papaya

During the taste test many of the students tried papaya for the first time. Emma and Grace enjoyed it.