Stewart Elementary Kids in the Kitchen Club

Stewart Elementary Kids in the Kitchen Club Graduates with Success
Posted on 03/11/2020
Group photo of participants23 2nd graders from Stewart Elementary completed the 4-H Kids in the Kitchen Club.

Kids in the Kitchen is a after school 4-H Clover Kid club teaching members to have kitchen sense and safety while they learn about the major food groups and making healthy choices for their growing bodies. This club met on Thursdays after school during January and February.

Members have explored the tasty fun of the kitchen when making Breakfast Splits, Whole Grain Trail Mix, Salad in a Bag, Fruit Kabobs and dip with ISU Eat Smart, Spend Smart healthy recipes. They have learned and practiced correct handwashing and how to measure dry and liquid ingredients. Each week they do some fun exercises together and use the healthy MyPlate to identify food groups.

Washington County Extension and Washington County Hospitals and Clinics partnered together to bring this afterschool club to Stewart. The Kids in the Kitchen curriculum is a product of Iowa 4-H.

“This curriculum has such a place in our world today as it teaches the importance on healthy living and food choice and keeping kids safe in the kitchen. It follows the 4-H model to do, reflect and apply with kids,” explained Green, “and they loved every hands-on minute cutting, measuring, stirring, and cooking. Eating was, of course, their favorite part. It was wonderful to see the pride they took in their recipes.”

The Washington County Extension Office hopes to expand this club in future years, please contact them if interested in sponsoring or volunteering or with any questions about this Healthy Living Club or how to get involved with other youth activities as a member or volunteer.

group photo of participants

group photo of participants