Mindful Teen: From Surviving to Thriving

Mindful Teen: From Surviving to Thriving
Posted on 10/03/2022
23 Washington Middle School 8th grade students are experiencing “Mindful Teen: From Surviving to Thriving” during their Health class first term.  This in-school enrichment comes form Iowa 4-H being delivered by Washington County Extension as a healthy living outr

Washington Middle School 8th Grade Experiences “Mindful Teen: From Surviving to Thriving”


New this year Washington Middle School 8th grade Health students are participating in a social and emotional enrichment called “Mindful Teen: From Surviving to Thriving”.   This curriculum comes from Iowa 4-H and is being delivered once a week on “Wellness Wednesdays” by Washington County Extension & Outreach youth coordinator Amy Green.


The engaging series includes practical strategies to manage stress, difficult emotions, & help improve overall well-being, relationships, and performance in school, sports, the arts, & other daily activities. It is set to help students better cope with and even thrive among the many stressors and pressures that come as an adolescent.


“This content regarding mental health is so important but especially for students this age working hard to find and know themselves and the selves they want to be,” said Green.  “Our goal is that they will gain useful skills and tools to apply in their daily life to improve their overall well-being now and in their future.  We hope as a guest presenter they also are able to connect with another caring adult who has their best interests and abilities in mind.”


Each student has their personal “Mindful Teen: From Surviving to Thriving” journal used weekly alongside the book The Mindful Teen by Dzung X. Vo. 


Students met for three sessions in September to define mindfulness, identify stressors, set goals, and define positive and negative coping strategies. They practiced mindful breathing, eating and smiling, identified positive self-care options and shared positive affirmations with others as a part of loving-kindness and compassion.  Students will have three more sessions in October before the term changes.  The rest of the 8th grade students will experience Mindful Teen 4th term when the other 8th grade Health classes are offered. 


This program is delivered by Washington County Extension & Outreach with grant support from Iowa Department of Public Health and in partnership with Washington Community School District.


The Washington County Extension Office will be offering a 4-week Mindful Families program in February and April.  Registration information will be available this winter. 


Please contact the Washington County Extension Office, 319-653-4811 or [email protected], with questions about this healthy living opportunity for youth or how to get involved with other youth activities in Washington County.