WMS Band Students Mt. Pleasant Honor Jazz Band

WMS Band Students Mt. Pleasant Honor Jazz Band
9 Washington Middle School students participated in the 1st Annual Mt. Pleasant Honor Jazz Band on Saturday, April 10th, 2021. The honor jazz band was in place of the annual honor band Mt. Pleasant has hosted for the past 25 years, but due to Covid-19 many of the 15+ participating schools could not commit or attend the early April Honor Band. MPJH director, Adam Creager sent out an email asking if schools would be interested in a Middle School Jazz honor jazz band. Washington, along with Ft. Madison, Burlington Edward Stone and Mt. Pleasant all committed to the idea and nominated students for the event. Chris Copeland (Oskaloosa High School Band director) was the guest director and students spent a rainy April 10th in Mt. Pleasant playing jazz all day and presenting a concert at 4pm at Mt. Pleasant High School.
WMS students who participated: Rita D. on alto sax, Ryan H. on Bari Sax, Keyla A. on trumpet, Avery M. on trumpet, Kate F. on bass guitar, Baylee R. on trombone, Claire W. on trombone, Trevin S. on trombone, and Iris D. on drum set/aux percussion.

The concert program consisted of: Basin Street Blues (WMS solists: Keyla A , Rita D , Ryan H , Claire W ), Over the Rainbow (WMS soloists: Claire W and Kate F ), Now's the Time (WMS soloists: Rita D and Claire W ), and Pollo Rojo (WMS soloist: Rita D ).