There will be three new After School STEM Clubs in April and May open to all students in 3rd-5th grade. Washington County Extension & 4-H and Lincoln Elementary are partnering together with a sponsorship from Bazooka Farmstar and Premier 1 Supplies to offer additional and fun ways for Washington youth to interact with more science in a hands-on setting while making new friends and connecting with caring adults in the community. This club is open to any 3rd-5th grade student who wants to experiment more with science, technology, engineering, and math. Each session will use an Engineering is Elementary and State 4-H curriculum.
There are three STEM Clubs held at the Lincoln Elementary library from 3:30pm-5pm. Participants will have a healthy snack after school, connect with new friends and experience hands-on science investigations. Each club will explore a different type of engineering with their unique engineering challenges. Club 1 will run April 16-18 with the title “Taking the Plunge: Designing Submersibles”. Club 2 is April 22-25 with the title “To Get to the Other Side: Building Bridges”. Club 3 is May 6-9 with the title “Recycled Racers”.
Registrations accepted on a first come, first serve basis online until sessions are full. Students may register for one or all STEM clubs. There is a $10 fee for each club. Registration for all three clubs can be found at https://tinyurl.com/LincolnSTEMClub2024
Parent volunteers are also needed and welcomed. Contact Amy Green at the Washington County Extension Office if interested in this position.
Please contact the Washington County Extension Office, 319-653-4811 or [email protected], with questions about this STEM Club or how to get involved with other youth activities in Washington County.