August 18, 2020
Washington Community School District
Current Athletics Department Guidelines for Spectator Sports at WHS/WMS
Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we work on putting safe guidelines in place so that our students can participate in activities this Fall, and our students, families and community
members can support our Demon teams. Please keep in mind that these guidelines may also
continue to evolve if it becomes necessary to make changes due to changes in the state of Iowa,
Public Health, Iowa HS Athletic Association, Iowa HS Girls Athletic Union, SEC Athletic
Conference or Washington Community School District guidance and guidelines.
Spectators should not attend the event if they have any of the following characteristics:
- Have been in contact with someone with a confirmed COVID 19 diagnosis in the last 14 days.
- Are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
o Fever (>100.4) or chills
o Cough
o Shortness of breath
o Fatigue
o Muscle or body aches not associated with exercise
o Headache
o Loss of taste or smell
o Sore throat
o Congestion or runny nose
o Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Venue Capacity for Spectator Sports:
- Fan capacity will vary this Fall for Demon sports.
- Seats at our venues will be marked with blue tape showing where spectators are able to sit allowing for social distancing between non-family groups.
- Seating options will determine crowd limitations as we must be able to promote social distancing.
- We will communicate guidance via rschool, Twitter, Facebook and school website.
- This may also evolve during the season.
Indoor Venues:
- All fans are required to have a face covering at all times while attending events at Washington indoor venues.
Outdoor Venues: - All fans are strongly recommended to wear face coverings at all times while attending events at Washington outdoor venues.
Student Sections:
-’Students sections’ will look the same, but students will be required to wear face coverings.
Additional Spectator Restrictions and Guidelines:
- Students that are unnecessarily moving about the venue and/or engaging in horseplay will be asked to leave the venue and/or escorted from the venue.
Streaming Options:
- Events located in the WHS main gym will be streamed live.
- HUDL Focus-
-Varsity- $5.00
-9th/JV- $3.00
-Middle School- $3.00
-Concessions will be available at all High School athletic events.
-Concessions will not be available at Middle School athletic events.