This is the second survey that the district has put out for our future MS building project. In the last survey 48% of responses wanted the new building on a new site and 39% wanted a new addition to the current HS and renovation of the old part of the HS was the second highest option. The breakdown of survey responses for those who could vote for this bond was 47% for the new building and new site and 36% for the new addition to HS and renovation of the old part of the current HS. With this information, the board has moved forward with these two options on our next survey. This survey will point the board in the direction the community wants us to move for the MS and will run this bond in September. Please make sure to look over the informational sheets, so you can make an educated decision. Thank you for your help in gathering data to move our district forward.
Willie Stone
Superintendent of Washington CSD
Option 1
Renovation of Old Part of Current High School Building and adding New Additions
Video PDF Tax Implications
Option 2
New Building on a New Site
Video PDF Tax Implications
Now that you have read about or listened to all of the options please take the following survey and we ask that you pick only two options. Please take the survey only once.
Survey Link