WMS Students to Mt Pleasant Honor Band
April 1st, 2023
16 Washington Middle School students performed at the 27th Annual Mt. Pleasant Honor Band.
Ann Kostelnick from Clear Creek Amana Middle School directed the 6th honor band and Scott Weber of Mt. Vernon High School directed the 7-8 honor band.
In addition to the two honor bands, a director’s Jazz Band (The Fossils) made their annual appearance with WHS director, Don Hughes, on Trumpet and WMS director, Craig McClenahan, on bass and guitar.

6th grade band student pictured here are
Zak A, Prisha P, Caleb W, Elizabeth K, Jackson D, Neitasha DLS, and Zach H.

WMS 7th/8th grade band students were: Robert A, Katy G, KJ P, Gabby A, Melody M, Ethan P, Payton M, and Ethan H. Not pictured: Jaxson L.