99 Stewart Elementary second graders participated in the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day held on Thursday, April 27 hosted by Washington County Extension and Outreach. Special guest speakers helped make the day possible: Washington County Dispatch, Washington Fire Department, WCDC Washington YMCA, Washington County Hospitals and Clinics, Model Train Club, and Washington County Extension and Outreach.
Students were able to experience and review a variety of safety topics throughout the day in small groups and hands-on sessions. Youth received a free Progressive Agriculture Safety t-shirt.
This SAFETY learning happened today:
- Germ Spread (science experiment to see how germs spread to LOTS of people using glow in the dark simulation germs)
- Poison Look-a-Likes (do not eat or drink things that are unmarked; students then observed candy vs. medicine to detect which was the danger)
- Fire Safety (have a safe spot designated outside the home, stop/drop/roll, firefighters use teamwork)
- Disability Awareness (practiced sign language, used walking stick and wheel chairs, with gloves on tried fine motor daily activities like buttons)
- Basic first aid care (built personal first aid kits to take home)
- 911 Calls (knowing when to call 911)
- Pool Safety (rules of the pool and why they matter)
- Sun Safety (made UV bead bracelets that change colors when UV rays are damaging skin and learned that we should cover up, seek shade, and wear sunscreen)
- Train Safety (safety at railroad crossings)
- Plant/Chemical Safety (reviewed how to be safe from dangerous weeks, where they may grow, and to stay away from freshly sprayed lawns/fields)
Washington County Extension & Outreach offers additional activities for youth this summer through 4-H, clover kids and Clover University summer day camps. Contact the Extension Office at 319-653-4811 for more information.
Disability awareness station – with gloves on students tried fine motor daily activities like buttons .
Group picture
Fire station – students were able to experience the force behind the water pressure in the house